Recycling Makes Sense
just to let all our existing customers and new clients know that FPR will stay open under the lockdown in November. If you require any...
We Guarantee That Almost All Parts Of Extinguishers Will Be Recycled
100% Guarantee That No Part Of A Condemned Or End-Of-Useful-Life Extinguisher Will Re-enter Service Elsewhere
Help your clients meet and exceed their environmental targets through our efficient recycling service
Assist them in minimising health and safety risks associated with fire protection and prevention
We are an ideal partner for:
Fire Extinguisher Servicing Contractors
Health and Safety Consultants
Environmental Consultants
Fire Service Departments
Car Manufacturers
Light Industry, Warehouses & Logisticss
Facilities Managers
Contract Cleaners
Commercial Landlords And Property Management Companies
Council Departments
Schools, Colleges & Universities
Serviced Offices