Why Choose Fire Protection Recycling?
We Ensure Nearly Every Component of Extinguisher is Recycled
We Guarantee That No Part of a Decommissioned or Expired Extinguisher Will Be Used Elsewhere
A Reliable Partner You Can Trust
Support your clients in achieving their environmental goals with our effective service
Help them reduce health and safety risks linked to fire protection and prevention
We are the perfect partner for:
- Fire Extinguisher Service Contractors
- Health and Safety Consultants
- Environmental Consultants
- Fire Service Departments
- Car Manufacturers
- Industry, Warehouses & Logistics
- Facilities Managers
- Contract Clean
- Commercial Landlords and Property Management Companies
- Council Departments
- Schools, Colleges & Universities
- Serviced Offices
Welcome to Fire Protection Recycling

**What We Do**
Fire Protection Recycling is dedicated to the safe disposal and assured recycling of fire extinguishers and fire protection equipment. We serve extinguisher servicing companies, businesses, leisure and retail industries, as well as councils, public sector buildings, facilities management companies, and firefighting services throughout the UK and Europe.
We provide five distinct methods for recycling fire extinguishers and fire protection equipment, including roll-on, roll-off collection, pallet collection, van collection, or clients with transport capabilities can drop off their items at our West Midlands facilities.
Aqueous waste containing PFAS from fire extinguishers is sent for high-temperature incineration, ensuring full traceability for compliance.
Fire Protection Recycling is eager to connect with fire extinguisher servicing contractors located in the UK or Europe.
We also invite inquiries from Facilities Managers, Business Managers, or Public Sector Managers interested in learning how we can assist you and your clients in making their premises as safe as possible.

Benefits Of Working With Us
We hold both a registered waste carrier licence and ISO 9001-14001-2015 You can view these certificates in PDF form here: Waste Carriers License & ISO9001 Certificate & ISO14001 Certificate.
MP3324SL <-------Click here for Environmental Permit details
We enable fire extinguisher servicing companies to confidently reassure their customers (or potential customers). Any condemned, part-used or vandalised fire extinguishers will be removed from the supply system by us. Almost 100% of the fire extinguisher is recycled. This assists your new and existing clients with their health and safety and environmental policies and responsibilities. The effective and conscientious disposal and recycling of fire extinguishers and related equipment forms part of the responsibilities of any business or public sector operation. As a pressurised container fire extinguishers can be potentially explosive, harmful or even deadly if left in the supply pool after they have been condemned. Here is a case study highlighting the risks of condemned or ineffective fire extinguishers remaining on your premises or within your clients buildings for any longer than necessary.
Don't Leave It To Chance
If you have any uncertainty about what is happening to old fire extinguishers once they have left your care, then please contact us today (some potentially hazardous extinguishers have even been known to end up on car boot sales). Who is removing your equipment? Can they demonstrate that almost all components of the extinguisher are recycled and defective equipment is guaranteed to be removed from circulation?
For more information and friendly advice with no obligation call Fire Protection Recycling on freephone 0800 019 4529 (or 00 44 121 543 6307 from mainland Europe). Let us show you how we are helping fire equipment servicing companies tender for and win more business through the effective reassurances they can give to their clients. Perhaps you are responsible for health and safety or a public sector or council department? If so, then let us show you how we can provide reassurances that potentially hazardous equipment will be removed quickly, efficiently and safely. Help keep your people safe at work from the risks of defective fire prevention equipment whilst also reinforcing your environmental policies. For more information please call us or email us using our Contact Us page.